Tuesday, December 06, 2016

States Rights for Liberals

Illustration By Tom Bachtell
States Rights for Liberals.
Why not use their game against them?
Cal-exit, and maybe just maybe they'll come crawling back.
Or better yet,  just let 'em crumble.  If we start working really hard, maybe the really terrible destruction won't reach us.  We're practically Canada.
Deep in the bubble, we yearn for our utopian oases.
The sunshiny doom perveyors say, at least it gets a lot of clicks.
Ahhhhhhhhh. Retreat, retreat. 
If we make our selves invisible, maybe the trolls will get bored and stop looking for us.
Go away evil people. Go away.

New Yorker Magazine COMMENT


In response to Trump’s hostility toward immigrants,
political leaders in New York and California vow to
protect their most vulnerable.

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