we've been invaded by psychic bedbugs. I know how hard they are to get rid of... but it's time to throw our metaphorical mattresses out and clean house.
do you mean psychic bedbugs? you said physic bedbugs, which makes them sound either physical or into the study of celestial bodies and/or string theory. xoj
d'you mean psychic bedbugs? you wrote "physic" which makes it sound like the bedbugs are either physical or that they study string theory and gravitation, etc. I'm very interested in all things bedbug. HOpe you got rid of em. xoj
do you mean psychic bedbugs? you said physic bedbugs, which makes them sound either physical or into the study of celestial bodies and/or string theory. xoj
d'you mean psychic bedbugs? you wrote "physic" which makes it sound like the bedbugs are either physical or that they study string theory and gravitation, etc. I'm very interested in all things bedbug. HOpe you got rid of em. xoj
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